The Speakers’ Corner is the opportunity for the EUROPARC network to showcase their work, innovative approaches and new ways of thinking related to Management Effectiveness. Case study presentations lay the basis of an active discussion from all participants.
Goal of the session:
Highlight your work and inform and exchange with peers on concrete experiences and cases of Management Effectiveness in Parks.
How does it work?
Upon registering, you can indicate if you want to present in the Speakers’ Corner. When selected, you will get five minutes to present your work or case study. The remaining 15 minutes are there for an open discussion with other participants. Together, let’s find new solutions and opportunities to improve Park management!
You can register for one of the four channels. After registering, you will be contacted by EUROPARC
The four channels are:
Tools and initiatives to improve communication between silos. (Focus: Communications)
Successful management planning: from Conservation Objectives to enforcement of decisions (Focus: Planning)
Innovative solutions to monitor progress and drive decisions (Focus: Governance and decision-making)
Are we doing well? Building capacity to assess Management Effectiveness in Protected Areas (Focus: Capacity-building)
Confirmed case studies:
We already have some case studies and speakers confirmed. You can look forward towards the following speakers:
- Communications: Biodiversa+ – more info to follow soon.
- Planning: Marc Garriga of the Alt Pireneu Natural Park (ES) will talk about the new Park Strategic Plan that is based on the conservation actions that are carried out with links to the Park’s Biodiversity Monnitoring Plan, which has been in operation since 2005. Learn more about how evasive species were combatted, as well as their cooperation with local farmers to support pollinator conservation.
- Governance and decision-making: Matti Tapaninen – Metshallitus (FI) – more info to follow soon.
Join this ‘line-up’ and sign up for a spot at the Speakers’ Corner when registering to the e-Forum!